
Next iPhone to be launched no later than early May 2010 ?

Il y a



The well known French magazine Challenge trough the
writtings of its editor in Chief announced today
in this article
that, according to mobile operators
, the next generation of the iPhone, the
Fourth, will arrive no later than May 2010.

If confirmed, this will be a change compared to the
iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS both released end of
June / early July of previous years.

This is the second rumour in a row today coming from France after
the second in command for France Telecom announcing that the
iTablet from Apple is a reality and that it will integrate a
webcam and e able to communicate through 3G
see it here

Here are some extracts and translations for our english readers :

  • Title of the article : "Apple va lancer un nouvel iPhone en mai" aka.
    "Apple to launch a new iPhone in May"
  • Header : "Il s’agit de la quatrième mouture en trois ans du célèbre
    smartphone lancé le 29 juin 2007 aux Etats-Unis. Un moyen de contrer
    l’offensive de Google." aka "It will be the fourth version of the well
    known smartphone launch on the 29th of June 2007. A way to counter the Google
  • Extract : "APPLE lancera, au début du mois de mai 2010, une nouvelle
    version de son iPhone, a-t-on appris auprès de plusieurs opérateurs de
    téléphonie mobile" aka ""Apple will launch, in early may 2010, a new
    version of its iPhone, as we heard from some mobile

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