
45 ans d’Apple : Tim Cook pense que la société peut tenir le double

Un message d’encouragement et de remerciement à ses équipes annonce la couleur.

Il y a




Avec une capitalisation à plus de deux mille milliards de dollars, le siège social le plus reconnaissable de la planète et des employés tout autour du globe, Apple est sans conteste l’une des entreprises à ne pas manquer en 2021. Clients, investisseurs et même partenaires s’arrachent son succès, signe d’une prospérité sans faille depuis plus de vingt ans. Mais Steve Jobs n’est plus là, et c’est donc son successeur qui a eu l’occasion de souhaiter un bon anniversaire à ses troupes pour ses 45 ans.

Wozniak et ses cofondateurs (dont le malheureux Ronald Wayne) ont en effet posé les bases de la multinationale en 1976, alors qu’Internet n’en était encore qu’à ses balbutiements. Depuis, moult péripéties ont ponctué son histoire, Tim Cook ayant choisi cette fois-ci de retenir les sorties les plus récentes de la marque, à savoir le processeur propriétaire M1 mais aussi la compatibilité des iPhone 12 avec la 5G.

La lettre

Pour les plus curieux, voici (en anglais évidemment) le texte complet de l’e-mail envoyé par le CEO à ses salariés le 1er avril dernier :


On April 1, 1976, a company was formed in Cupertino to create transformative products that redefine what technology can achieve and make people’s lives better in the process. Forty-five years later, we mark this occasion by rededicating ourselves to that mission — and to keeping it alive for a long time to come — rather than to remember it fondly as something past.

While some things about Apple have changed over these many years, the important things haven’t. From the M1 chip to 5G iPhones, from iPads that change the face of education and productivity to a Watch that can look out for your health, to the very best Software and Services that bring them all to life, we have never stopped setting the pace that others try to match. What I can tell you with gut certainty is that there has never been a moment of such great potential as this one, nor have we ever had so talented and dedicated a team. That shouldn’t make us rest easy. Great potential obligates great people to meet it.

I know this past year has tested each of us in ways that we never imagined. It’s asked all of us to adapt, it’s added complexity to our work and it has demanded additional resolve and commitment in areas of our lives that extend well beyond our work. But I also know that what we have each achieved during this time should make us enormously proud. Through a once-in-a-generation challenge, the things we make, and the ways in which we make them, have revealed profound and durable new sources of value to the people who love and count on them. And, on many fronts, we know even brighter days are ahead.

In an email like this one, to mark a much earlier anniversary shortly after I joined Apple, Steve said, “it’s been an amazing journey so far, yet we have barely begun.” Still true. Remember that none of us will be here for the end of the story, but it’s on all of us to make sure it’s one worth telling.


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