

Interview blogosphere iPhone : épisode II en ligne

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La suite de l’interview donnée à est en ligne,
avec mes collègues américain (Apple Gazette), allemand (iPhone Weblog),
portugais (iPhone portugal), anglais (iPhone countdown) et russe (iPhone news)
nous répondons cette fois-ci aux questions suivantes :
"Qu’est ce qui pour vous nécessitera des améliorations dans l’iPhone V2
" (vous noterez que ceci a inspiré le quatrième sondage (à venir) et
"En partant des commentaires des lecteurs de votre blog, le public
adoptera-t-il volontier l’iPhone ?
Voici mes réponses en anglais dans le texte :

Q: What do you think still needs improvement in the device, i.e.:
what would you like to see in iPhone v2.0?

A: ”3G in Europe is more and more common and iPhone is clearly behind
competitors in that regard. It will have to be addressed quickly to stay
competitive, but also to drive money for mobile enriched Internet usage for the
European carriers, pushing them to market it like other competitors’ devices.
Another feature that may be a danger for the success of the iPhone is clearly
the lack of third party applications. That’s what makes the difference between
a pocket sized computer and a standard phone. Today, Palm, Windows Mobile and
Symbian devices can be enriched by thousands of applications, many of them
being freeware, offering everyone a way to tailor the device to his personal
needs (after all it is also a PDA: Personal Digital Assistant). Last but not
least, I wonder what will be the acceptance in business world for a device
featuring no hardware keyboard, whereas the Blackberry, Treos, and HTC devices
are so widely used now for email on the go”.

Q: Based on your readers’ comments – is the public eager to adopt
the iPhone, or are they still cautious about it?

A: ”iPhone’s announcement raised an incredible buzz in France, with people
being really attracted by the design of the device and by the interface. One
major concern may be the price, but not as much. I’ll use two other polls ran
on in the last two weeks to try and illustrate that. First one
was a question on the price. The results are: a little more
than 50 % of the people that answered the poll will buy the iPhone if it’s sold
for 400 Euro (around US $500). We may expect that with a contract the price
might decrease a little, pushing this number to more than 50 %. In that case,
the price will not be a real blocker for widespread adoption. The other poll
was about the mobile carrier fidelity of French consumers . The results
are incredible: people are so in love with the device that the majority, at
72%, will accept leaving their current carrier to be able to buy an
iPhone ! I think that we can conclude that yes, the public is eager to
adopt the iPhone and will be able to pay more than they would for a classic
phone, and even switch carriers if necessary!” - App officielle - App officielle
Par : Keleops AG
4.4 / 5
573 avis

fondateur du site. Ingénieur en Informatique et spécialiste d'Internet ou il a occupé divers postes à responsabilité, Laurent est passionné de mobilité depuis l'arrivée des "PDA" dans les années 90. Journaliste pendant 4 ans pour le magazine Team Palmtops (Posse Presse) et auteur de plusieurs ouvrages sur l'iPad aux éditions Pearson.

Nos sites : 01net | Journal du Geek | Presse-citron
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